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Song Details

What are song details?

The Song Details provides you with the information related to the song (also known as composition or musical work). A song consists of the words and music. Our site displays the songwriters that wrote the song. We use * to indicate controlled songwriters.


Translator: Carlos Andres Alvares

Language: Español/Spanish


Copyright Date: 06/14/2024

Song ID: 46393_1


What is a translation?

A translation is the process of translating the original lyric language into a different language.

Levántate del ataúd
De la muerte regrese a la luz
Taba en el lodo y-el me levanto en bethel
Y por su sangre yo seré su siervo
Roca eterna
El gran yo soy
Necesito de ti
Príncipe de Paz Tu Reinas en mi
Todo miedo
Todo mal
toda montaña en mi caminar
Se moverá
Se caerá
Al nombrarlo a Él
No se compara no hay nadie igual
Ya no hay condenación
Por su gracia El me salvó
Y si me preguntas si tengo miedo les digo
No se compara no hay nadie igual
Si me preguntan si-alguna ves tengo miedo ay
Les hago acuerdo que estoy caminando con el Rey
Yo tengo ángeles que dicen sigue sigue que los fuerte no rinden
Los que suben son humildes
Tengo un Dios que me a llenado de favor
Con su gracia me sacó de lo peor
Mi testimonio sale con poder y fuego
Con su espada el me afila
Su palabra me Persigue aye
Todo miedo
Todo mal
toda montaña en mi caminar
Se moverá
Se caerá
Al nombrarlo a Él
No se compara no hay nadie igual
Ya no hay condenación
Por su gracia El me salvó
Y si me preguntas si tengo miedo les digo
No se compara no hay nadie igual
No se compara no hay nadie igual

Publishing Details

What are publishing details?

By default our site displays the controlled publishers that we represent. An * represents the controlled publisher. If you would like to see non-controlled publishers, simply click the Controlled Toggle and you’ll see all the publishers we believe to be associated with a song. If we do not control 100% of a song, you are responsible for contacting the other rights holders and verifying the accuracy of the non-controlled publisher’s information. Our site is simply a guide. If we know who the non-controlled publishers are, we try to provide their website or email in the Contact column.

Administrating Company
% Ownership
Total Administered by Essential Music Publishing: 0%
* indicates controlled

Controlled Label Copy

What is controlled label copy?

We provide our controlled label copy for you to use in your project. If we do not control 100% of the song (composition or musical work) rights, it is your responsibility to locate the other owners and get their controlled label copy. The end result- you’ve cleared 100% of the song.

© 2024 (admin at All rights reserved. Used by permission.

*User must contact the other copyright owners for their label copy.

Dios Como El Mio