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Song Details

What are song details?

The Song Details provides you with the information related to the song (also known as composition or musical work). A song consists of the words and music. Our site displays the songwriters that wrote the song. We use * to indicate controlled songwriters.

Writers: Chris Brown*/Mack Brock*/Steven Furtick*/Wade Joye*

Translator: Joanie Banville, Étienne Plante, Priscilla Houle

Language: Français/French


Copyright Date: 05/02/2016

Song ID: 24_3


What is a translation?

A translation is the process of translating the original lyric language into a different language.


Es tu brisé par tant de douleur?

Affaibli par ce si grand fardeau?

Jésus t’appelle


As-tu cherché sans jamais trouver?

Assoiffé d’une source de vie?

Jésus t’appelle



O viens à son autel

Les bras du père sont grands ouverts

Ton pardon racheté

Par le sang précieux de Jésus



Laisse là tes erreurs, tes regrets

N’attends pas, viens à lui aujourd’hui

Jésus t’appelle


Tes chagrins Il changera en joie

Une vie naîtra de la poussière

Jésus t’appelle



Oh notre sauveur

N’est-il pas merveilleux?

Chante Alléluia, Christ est vivant

À genoux devant lui

(Car) Il est Seigneur de tout

Chante Alléluia, Christ est vivant



Prend ta croix attendant la couronne

Fais connaître à ce monde ce trésor

Publishing Details

What are publishing details?

By default our site displays the controlled publishers that we represent. An * represents the controlled publisher. If you would like to see non-controlled publishers, simply click the Controlled Toggle and you’ll see all the publishers we believe to be associated with a song. If we do not control 100% of a song, you are responsible for contacting the other rights holders and verifying the accuracy of the non-controlled publisher’s information. Our site is simply a guide. If we know who the non-controlled publishers are, we try to provide their website or email in the Contact column.

Administrating Company
% Ownership
Music by Elevation Worship Publishing*
Chris Brown*/Mack Brock*/Steven Furtick*/Wade Joye*
Music by Elevation
Total Administered by Essential Music Publishing: 100%
* indicates controlled

Controlled Label Copy

What is controlled label copy?

We provide our controlled label copy for you to use in your project. If we do not control 100% of the song (composition or musical work) rights, it is your responsibility to locate the other owners and get their controlled label copy. The end result- you’ve cleared 100% of the song.

© 2016 Music by Elevation Worship Publishing (BMI) (admin at All rights reserved. Used by permission.

*User must contact the other copyright owners for their label copy.

Explore The Songs.

Ô viens à son autel