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Ben Fuller

Artist Writers

Music has taken Ben Fuller’s life and made it into something he never would have dreamed. Growing up in southern Vermont on his family’s dairy farm and working alongside his father, Ben would pass the time by singing to old classic country tunes as he witnessed first-hand the hard work and dedication it took to run a farm. It was somewhere between the farm and going to college when he picked up the guitar and never looked back.  

But Ben struggled with certain aspects of growing up and ended up turning to cocaine and alcohol. When he got involved in a devastating drug-fueled relationship as well as abruptly losing his best friend to a heroin overdose, his entire outlook on life shifted. “I was tired, I was lost and weak, and I was constantly running away from my problems. I felt like I was always looking for something more.”  

Motivated to change, he moved to Nashville to pursue country music. Yet it was when he was invited to church one Sunday and he walked the halls into the auditorium filled with 3,000 people, he knew one day he would sing “that kind of music” for the rest of his life. Falling face-first into his newfound relationship with Jesus, he began writing with a burning desire to share what God did to turn his life around.  

Today, Ben lives completely sober while sharing his story filled with hope, mercy, and grace. By turning his testimony into songs, he has been rejuvenated with a new passion and mission; to share his story with the world and all who are ready to listen. And now with his debut single, “Who I Am,” set to release (Provident/Sony Music), the timing is perfect, as God’s timing always is.  

“The song came to me because I asked God for a reminder of who He made me to be,” he explains. “‘Who I Am’ is a declaration I needed to shout from the highest peaks, about how He’s changing my life. I want to share the love of God that I’ve come to know. I want to be like Jesus to everyone I meet, and I want to encourage others to never be ashamed to tell their story, no matter what.” 

Explore The Catalog

  • Where You Are

    recorded by: Ben Fuller

    written by: David Spencer*/Blessing Offor/Ben Fuller*

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  • Who I Am

    recorded by: Ben Fuller

    written by: Ben Fuller*/Krystal Polychronis*/David Spencer*

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  • Wide Awake

    recorded by: Ben Fuller

    written by: Molly Reed/Ben Fuller*/David Spencer*

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  • Witness

    recorded by: Ben Fuller

    written by: Ben Fuller*/Robert Kropp/Pamela Lack

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